【Straight Up feat. Kj】TheBONEZの歌詞で英語学習

bonez-str-title JPOPで英語学習

「TheBONEZ」の「Straight Up feat. Kj」は、The BONEZとDragon AshのKjがコラボレーションした曲です。

この曲は、JESSE(The BONEZのボーカル/ギター)とKj(Dragon Ashのボーカル/ギター)が共に歌う姿が印象的で、広く晴れ渡った青空の下で撮影された映像が特徴です。

さらに、The BONEZとDragon Ashは「Straight Up」というタイトルのツアーも予定しており、全国各地でライブが行われる予定です。

Lyrics by JESSE, Kj
Music by T$UYO$HI


MIC ロックオン
Straight up, Straight up ぶっ飛ぶ音
新時代の為にタッグ行くぞ 骨と龍,
バンドインhere we go
I don’t care what you look like (So common)
Deep down your a rebel and I know it Why are you waiting at the entrance (So common)
Learn the rules and (Break them)
Straight up Conversation

I don’t care where you come from(So common)
It doesn’t matter for me and you and this moment Like a ticking time bomb(So common)
We make sparks fly, It’s show time J


このステージへ唸らすVoice of the Dragon
BonezとタッグでOne shot
骨まで響き合う感情 let`s go

This is what feeling sound like
When you fall I’ll be there
This is what feeling sound like
In my head
This is what feeling sound like
When you fall I’ll be there
One day I may lose my emotion
When will I forget?

So put your light on 消えぬように

中指たてては常にHate you
戦えた俺にとってライバル 馬場にK

今も旅は進行形 It’s OK
だからもっとビートくれ [Oh oh oh]
Is it me is it me
I’ve been looking for myself
I just want to go somewhere where nobody knows my name
If it’s me if it’s me
Let me show you what I feel
I just want you to know my name
This is me this is me
I’ve been fighting in a song
I want to help a soul
With me try to sing along
This is me this is us
Let me show you what we feel
I just want you to know our name

MIC locked on
Straight up, straight up, a mind-blowing sound
We’re teaming up for a new era, Bones and Dragon,
Band in here we go
I don’t care what you look like (So common)
Deep down you’re a rebel and I know it
Why are you waiting at the entrance (So common)
Learn the rules and (Break them)
Straight up conversation

I don’t care where you come from (So common)
It doesn’t matter for me and you in this moment
Like a ticking time bomb (So common)
We make sparks fly, it’s showtime J

Cutting up my heart and reflecting it
My right shoulder’s rise is going crazy
Suntown, from the bones, the spirit is ahead
Unleash the ashes of the dragon, Kj

So, Mayday, blaring loud
Roaring the Voice of the Dragon on this stage
One shot with Bonez in a tag team
Emotions resonating to the bones, let’s go

This is what feelings sound like
When you fall, I’ll be there
This is what feelings sound like
In my head
This is what feelings sound like
When you fall, I’ll be there
One day I may lose my emotion
When will I forget?

So put your light on so it won’t fade
So it can be seen even from this place

The emotions I almost forgot
Those days when I outgrew myself
Always raising my middle finger, hating you
My rival in battle, Baba K
How do you see it from above?
I hope you’re laughing from your heart
You said it would be like this someday
The cry of the soul now overlaps

Everyone laughed,
comparing heights of similar folks
Hold hands more than hate
Hey, saying goodbye to friends
Playing the interrupted sound
We still have to go
We talked all night many times
The journey continues even now, it’s OK
So give me more beat [Oh oh oh]
Is it me, is it me
I’ve been looking for myself
I just want to go somewhere where nobody knows my name
If it’s me, if it’s me
Let me show you what I feel
I just want you to know my name
This is me, this is me
I’ve been fighting in a song
I want to help a soul
With me, try to sing along
This is me, this is us
Let me show you what we feel
I just want you to know our name


単語 (Words)

  1. blaring – 鳴り響く
    Loud and harsh sound
    和訳: Mayday鳴らす爆音
  2. unleash – 解き放つ
    To release or set free
    和訳: ぶちかませよ龍の灰がKj
  3. resonating – 共鳴する
    Producing a deep, full sound
    和訳: 骨まで響き合う感情
  4. interrupted – 中断された
    Stopped temporarily
    和訳: 途切れかけた音を奏で
  5. comparing – 比較する
    To examine similarities and differences
    和訳: 似たもん同士の背比べ

群動詞 (Phrasal Verbs)

  1. locked on – 照準を定める
    To aim or focus on something
    和訳: MIC ロックオン
  2. going crazy – 狂う
    To become very excited or agitated
    和訳: 俺の右肩上がりが狂い出す
  3. put your light on – 明かりをつける
    To turn on a light
    和訳: 消えぬように この場所からでも見えるように
  4. looking for – 探す
    To search for something
    和訳: I’ve been looking for myself (自分を探していた)
  5. sing along – 一緒に歌う
    To sing with someone else
    和訳: With me try to sing along (一緒に歌ってみて)

慣用句 (Idioms)

  1. mind-blowing – 驚くべき
    Very impressive or exciting
    和訳: ぶっ飛ぶ音
  2. ticking time bomb – 一触即発の状況
    A situation that is likely to become dangerous
    和訳: Like a ticking time bomb (時限爆弾のように)
  3. showtime – ショーの始まり
    The time when a performance begins
    和訳: It’s showtime J (ショータイムだ)
  4. right shoulder’s rise – 肩の上昇
    An increase or improvement
    和訳: 俺の右肩上がりが狂い出す
  5. raise my middle finger – 中指を立てる
    To show disrespect or anger
    和訳: 中指たてては常にHate you

