西野 | こんにちはハイツ友の会です |
Hello, we are Heights Tomonokai. | |
清水香奈芽 | お願いします |
please | |
西野 | なぁなぁ、学校って好きやった? |
Hey, did you like school? | |
清水香奈芽 | 勉強が好きやったわけではないけど、 チョーク持ったときだけ心躍ったわ |
It’s not that I liked studying, but I only got excited when I held a piece of chalk. | |
西野 | チョークって、手に粉が付いた時の不快な気持ちを超える何かがあるもんな |
There’s something about chalk that goes beyond the unpleasant feeling you get when you get powder on your hands. | |
清水香奈芽 | ていうか、何でそんなこと聞くん? |
Why would you ask that? | |
西野 | 私、学校あんまり好きちゃうかってんけど、 でも、それって学校が変なとこ多かったからやと思うねん |
I didn’t really like school. But I think the reason was because there were a lot of strange things happening at school. | |
清水香奈芽 | 例えば、どういうとこが? |
For example, for what reason? | |
西野 | 小学校の時、班で机くっつけて給食たべてたやん |
When I was in elementary school, we would gather in groups and sit at the table together and eat lunch. | |
清水香奈芽 | せやったな |
That’s right | |
西野 | で、その時「一緒に食べよう」って言っ て、 わざわざ先生を班に招き入れようとする子おらんかった |
At that time, there was a child who went out of his way to invite the teacher to the group, saying, “Let’s eat together.” | |
清水香奈芽 | おった |
I get it | |
西野 | なんで自分より背低い未成年に黒板消さすような大人と仲良くしたいねん |
Why would he want to be friends with an adult who makes a minor who is shorter than the teacher erase the letters on the blackboard? | |
清水香奈芽 | 先生と仲良い子って変やからな |
Children who are friends with their teachers are weirdos. | |
ハイツ友の会「小学校のネタ(1/4)」の英語解説はこちらから。 | |
西野 | あと、朝の読書の時間ってあったやん |
Also, there was time for reading in the morning. | |
清水香奈芽 | 朝、授業始まる前に、15分ぐらい好きな本読む時間な |
In the morning, I had about 15 minutes to read my favorite book before class started. | |
西野 | あんな変な時間知らんわ |
I don’t understand why it’s such a strange time. | |
清水香奈芽 | どういうこと? |
What do you mean? | |
西野 | だってあれって、 本読むのにノッてきだした頃に朝の会始まって、 それでもまだ本読み続けてたら、「本しまいなさい」って先生に言われるやん |
After all, just when I was starting to enjoy reading books, morning class started, but when I continued reading, the teacher told me to put the books away. | |
清水香奈芽 | 変やな。 本読むように言うた人が、15分後本読んでる子見て怒りださはんねんもん |
That’s weird. The person who tells the child to read a book starts to get angry 15 minutes later when they see the child reading. | |
西野 | よう、そんな感情の起伏激しい人が子供にもの教えてはるわ |
Well, that’s what a person with such volatile emotions can teach a child. | |
清水香奈芽 | ホンマに変なんは、学校というより学校の先生やん |
What’s really weird is not the school but the school teacher. | |
西野 | 実際、先生って変な人多いもんな |
Actually, there are a lot of weird teachers out there. | |
清水香奈芽 | 分かるわ。 例えばどんな先生おった? |
I agree. For example, what kind of teacher did you have? | |
西野 | 担任の先生が 「来週 の遠足、楽しみすぎて待ち切れないね」 って 言わはってんけど、ちゃんと待ちきってから遠足きはってん |
My homeroom teacher said, “I’m so excited about next week’s field trip, I can’t wait,” but he waited patiently before going on the field trip. | |
清水香奈芽 | 変な人やな |
What a strange person | |
西野 | 生徒も全員待ちきれてたし |
All students were able to wait. | |
清水香奈芽 | 言うた本人ぐらいは、前日の遠足行っといて欲しかった |
I wish the person who said it had gone on an excursion the day before. | |
西野 | 普通行くけどな |
Ordinary people go | |
ハイツ友の会「小学校のネタ(2/4)」の英語解説はこちらから。 | |
清水香奈芽 | あと先生って、 「人の気持ち考えなさい」って事あるごとに言わはるくせに、 なんで毎年子供に「ソーラン節」踊らせ はるん? |
Also, why does the teacher make the children dance to “Soran Bushi” every year? “Think about other people’s feelings,” he always tells us. | |
西野 | 先生も教えるん嫌やろ? |
The teacher probably doesn’t like teaching that. | |
清水香奈芽 | あれ最初、こんなんで始まらんかった? (波が流れるような、手の動き) |
At first, it started like this, right? (Hand movements like flowing waves) | |
西野 | 言われたらそうやったかもしれへん |
I might have done it if you asked me to. | |
清水香奈芽 | (波が流れるような、手の動き) どういう意味? |
(hand movements like flowing waves) What does it mean? | |
西野 | あんまり子供に、野球拳と同じ動きさせ へん方がええよな |
It’s better not to make children do the same movements as Yakyuken. | |
清水香奈芽 | あと、あの人ら、 自分と仲いい子供のことはあだ名で呼んで、 距離感ある子供のことは苗字で呼んだりしてはらへんかった? |
Also, the teachers used to call the children who were close to them by their nicknames, and the children with whom they felt distant were called by their last names, right? | |
西野 | してはった |
They were doing | |
清水香奈芽 | あれ・・・、普通にやばない? |
Isn’t that…crazy? | |
西野 | 誰も得せえへんよな |
no one will be happy | |
清水香奈芽 | やばいて言うたらあれもやな |
The crazy thing that comes to mind is that too. | |
西野 | 何? |
what? | |
清水香奈芽 | しーずーかーに(手を叩きながら) |
Quuuuiiiiietlyyyyy (clap hands) | |
西野 | 子供のこと犬やと思ってはるやつな |
He thinks kids are dogs. | |
清水香奈芽 | 手叩いてまで静かにさして、 何言わはんのかな?思ったら、 「じゃあ帰りの挨拶します」やって |
He clapped his hands to quiet me, and I wondered what he was going to say. Then he said, “Well, I’ll say See you.” | |
西野 | 「先生さよなら、皆さんさようなら」 っていうやつやんな |
It’s like “See you teacher, See you everyone”, right? | |
清水香奈芽 | そう |
yes | |
西野 | なんで先生は皆さんの中に含まれてへんねん |
Why is the teacher not included in everyone? | |
ハイツ友の会「小学校のネタ(3/4)」の英語解説はこちらから。 | |
清水香奈芽 | までも、 総合的に見て1番変なんは教頭先生やと思うねん |
But overall, I think the weirdest thing is the vice principal. | |
西野 | なんで? |
why? | |
清水香奈芽 | だって教頭先生って・・・、ギリ自分の部屋ないやん |
Because…the vice principal doesn’t really have his own room. | |
西野 | ほんまやな。 やのに、全校集会でMCさせられてはるよな |
It’s true. Yet he is made to preside over the school assembly. | |
清水香奈芽 | ようやらはるよな。自分の部屋無いのに |
He’s doing well. He doesn’t have a room | |
西野 | やっぱり教頭先生が一番変やな |
After all, the vice principal is the weirdest. | |
清水香奈芽 | なんで先生って、こんな変な人ばっかりやのに、 先生になりたいっていう人は後を立たへんねやろ |
Teachers are all such strange people, so why would anyone want to become a teacher? | |
西野 | ま自分が子供の時に学校の先生によくしてもらったおかげで、 学校で楽しく過ごせたから、自分も子供たちに学校で楽しく過ごして欲しくて、 先生になりたいっていう人も多いらしいで |
Well, they were able to enjoy their school life because their teachers treated them well when they were children. Therefore, it seems that many people want to become teachers because they want children to have fun at school. | |
清水香奈芽 | そいつ絶対、先生を班に招き入れたやつやん |
That guy is definitely the one who invited the teacher to join the group. | |
西野 | もうええわ |
Enough already | |
二人 | どうも、ありがとうございました |
thank you very much | |
ハイツ友の会「小学校のネタ(4/4)」の英語解説はこちらから。 |
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